WRONGWROKS AKA WR, born 1979, born in Asia, lives and works in Vancouver, Canada. Graduated in Emily Carr Institute of Art + Design in 2004,  and start WRONGWROKS in end of 2005, and start doing different art works and few apparels and selling in his own website, and a few local clothing stores. In 2006 WRONGWROKS get interviewed by CANDY magazine and later slowly start to sell his art work and apparel in lot of places around the world, including UK, Berlin, Germany, Belgium, Italy, France, Los Angeles, Oregon, Chicago, Taiwan and Korea. In Novemeber 2006, WRONGWROKS has launched his art prints and apparel in SOLDOUT and COLETTE ,  WRONGWROKS also launched the first web exclusive store by NOISEKING in Japan (dec,2006)  . In 2007, WRONGWROKS invited by Colette in Paris to have his first group exhibition “MY2007” with global artist like Takashi Murakami, Yoshitomo Nara, Obey Giant, KAWS, Faile, PAM etc. In the same year NIKE TAIWAN has invited WRONGWROKS & JAY CHOU’s PHANTACI to collaborate the first ever AIRFORCE 25th anniversary T-shirts.

In August 2008, WRONGWROKS published the first book “EVERYONE STEALS” (edition of 1000) and selling all over the world.

Feburary 2009, WRONGWROKS open the first flagship concept store in vancouver called “SUPERBORED”.

October 2009, WRONGWROKS open the gureilla store (limited to 1 year)  ” BRAG GARDEN” in Vancouver.

Sept 2010, WRONGWROKS opened the first oversea store in Hong Kong called  ” SHOPAHOLIC” .

Nov 2010 , WRONGWROKS combined the gureilla store “Brag Garden” & ” SuperBored” into one big flagship in Richmond BC, Canada – SUPERBORED SELECTSHOP .


1979年出生於香港,1997年移民至加拿大,2004年回到香港參與多位大牌藝人唱片設計及平面攝影師。2005年底在加拿大溫哥華正式成立潮流品牌WrongWroks,至今在全世界有超過100間的潮流商店代理發售,WR個人亦在2009年2月於溫哥華設立自己的潮流店面SuperBored, 代理PHANTACI ( by 周杰倫 ), STAY REAL ( by 阿信 (AH SHIN) 五月天主唱 & 不二良) OUTERSPACE ( CIRCUS LEO )
熱血 / FEVER( LEO AND JOE ), 在同年十月再開BRAG GARDEN代理STAGE ( by 小豬羅志祥) 好評潮流中

WRONGWROKS得到各國的潮流和藝術雜誌的青睞,很多的流行刊物都為WRONGWROKS作專題訪問,包括國際性的報導如 High Subiety, SlamXhype, hypebeast, 香港的 Face, Touch, Milk,台灣的Funswant, 聯合報, COOL, BANG, TVBS,  英國的CANDY, 日本的Tokion, 各地的如Amy, X-cup, Vancouver Sun, Ion, Yen, Infamous, Yahoo, WAD, MOP.China, Georgia Straight, Grus, BPM,
Streetwear, Yoho.URB, FHM Taiwan, Men’s Non-no, Pulp, Cover, Monday, Accalim, Bee, 2nd, Sat magazine等等。



One Response to “ABOUT WRONGWROKS”
  1. Alvin says:

    Hi Guys~im from malaysia~and i wana know do you have any branch in malaysia?

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