23 . Japan

one of the great news about the FALL collection is not just that very popular around the world but also it has opened a new page into some new stores and new market, like JAPAN. From 10.1 , there will be 23 new stores in Japan, (not just Tokyo, also OZAKA, Nagano, Tochigi….etc.) so if … Continue reading

WRKS @ MOP.net China

FRONT PAGE…. WR本人形象酷似SIMPSON家族,此为其同人自画像 <– (this tag line is FUNNY) WRONGWROKS AKA WR 出生于1979年,诞生地亚洲,现在生活和工作于加拿大温哥华市 2004年毕业于Emily Carr 艺术设计学院后,WR回到香港为几个操蛋的大设计公司和图片社后,发现这些东西真TM没劲。 在2005年,WR回到温哥华并于10月份开创了WRONGWROKS品牌。一开始他的个人网站上面只有几幅自己创作的图画和几件可以对外发售的衣服,还有一些关于温哥华本地潮流商铺的消息。 2006年,WRONGWROKS接受了糖果杂志的采访(www.candycollective.com)并从那时开始受到公众的注意,得以慢慢地在世界各地销售他的创意服饰产品。 今天,WRONGWROKS品牌已经在英国、法国、柏林、比利时、意大利、西班牙、挪威、荷兰、瑞士、洛杉矶、纽约、芝加哥、台湾、香港、韩国、日本、马来西亚、新加坡、多伦多和家乡温哥华开设了一系列的本地零售店面。 2007年,WRONGWROKS受Nike AF1 25周年纪念活动合作邀请,飞往台湾,并在六月受法国COLETTE邀请与日本首席设计师村上隆、KAWS, FAILE, Andre一起同台做秀。 本年的台湾玩具展,WRONGWROKS 设计了自己第一套与BAXBEAR的合作作品。并在台北和台中举办了自己第一场个人展,命名为“MASTER-MIND” 系列。 WRONGWROKS h还被以下媒体和杂志报道过 TOKION (日本), WAD (法国), TOUCH (香港), FACE (香港), BANG! 潮流帮(台湾) VANCOUVER SUN (温哥华) , 雅虎台湾 (台湾), YEN (澳大利亚), TVBS (台湾), NEW DESIGN (英国) , SLAMXHYPE (新西兰)。当然还有我们,猫扑潮流频道,我们邀您一道,认识更多国际顶尖的潮流设计师,欣赏他们的作品,潮在我心,放眼世界。 … Continue reading


very thanks FAILE for the quick delivery, its super nice and very cool prints, I love it how much it has the same kind of feeling with WRKS…the philo & exceution behind the prints, the watery, damage and un-perfect-finishing, making each particular print unique… Faile (Pronounced like “fail”) is an international artist collective formed in … Continue reading


a beautiful afternoon in Vancouver, have a nice tea time with one of my closest friend in my life, DEE. SWEET OBSESSION, its by 16th Ave & Trafalgar St. Vancouver, you should try their coffee and cakes.. its fantastic..! we ordered the Creme Brulee & the White chocolate Mousee Cake… & Latteeeee”

Swarovski Winter 07

here some sneak preview of what is coming out for the Swarovski series… stay tuned.. remember who’s wearing the bapsta?


a new project will be starting on Oct 2nd, in HKUSPACE, its called WRONG WRODS (well sound exactly like WRKS…) its a project for the students to learn about WRKS and also Typography… Excited? YES, students are going to learn about WRKS philosphy, mistakes and error….yup, students are going to learn about wrong things… get … Continue reading

kanYe West

pick up the Kanye West newest album, GRADUATION… very good indeed…you guys should pick this up, its produce and designed by KAIKAIKIKI (Takashi Murakami) … with kanye character and all those crazy murakami signature graphics…!


WRONGWROKS has hitted Malaysia a month ago, CUBE* is the store that you have to shop and visit if you in Malaysia, they basically carry the best brand and the best selection around singapore and thailand i will say, check it out their WRKS collection in the store… CUBE* , 06-02, 6th Floor, Berjaya Times … Continue reading


To celebrate the new Fall Collection of WRKS (WRONGWROKS), we start the exclusive report and interview with the biggest china fashion/trendy art blog, the MOP. Read the interview in chinese online here. MOP is one of the biggest fashion/trendy blog and reporting news about sneakers, arts, fashion everyday, to 2 million readers in China. They … Continue reading

Daniel’s Birthday

so tonight, well today is Daniel’s Birthday, Daniel Gonzales from DAMAG3! and we have dinner at this place called Shaakuzu or something…well its on Deman and Robson, so yeah, just beside Dairy Queen, if u want to try out, its like a Japanese grill style food… well its alright…we have much fun though! Daniel my … Continue reading